Media Library and Pages - WordPress Tutorial for Beginners in Urdu Hindi


In this topic, I will discuss how to manage media and pages.


First of all, you will know the WordPress media and how to manage it in the settings from the media option.

When you click on media in settings you will go to the media page where you can see the image sizes heading. Now you can set your media size for thumbnail, medium, and large.

Here you find a check box that says crop thumbnail to exact which means it will crop the exact size which you have set to top.

The next heading you will see is uploading files

There is a check box too if you checked it that means your media files will save in an automatically created folder by month or year name.

In the main Media link at the top after Posts, you can manage your media files like (add, edit and delete, crop, rotate, flip, manage dimensions, set aspect ratio, add the title of an image, caption, and description).


If you click on Pages you will go to all pages where you can see your all pages where you can manage these pages like add new, edit, update and delete, you can delete all pages at once by selecting the bulk delete option from the bulk action dropdown.

Also, you can filter and search pages by Date and Name and control columns to appear in that section by screen options tab.

The pages which you have deleted recently stored in the trash section where you can delete them permanently or restore them.

There is a Draft tab too where you can find your drafted page.

Add New Page:
WordPress has introduced block editor recently in version 5+ which is a little bit confusing for new users.

When you create a page you have many simple and new advanced options here, in front of you is the page body where you can write a title and the page content.

You can add a block editor in your page body and select what kind of block you want there if you want to text then select text block, if you want to put an image then select image block.

Right side tabs there will be a page option and block editor options are available.
In the Page tab, you can set (status and visibility, permalink, set featured image, set allow comment, set parent page, and its order).

In the Block tab, you can set (paragraph, font, color, text settings),
Note: Block Tab displays when you select a block in the post body

By Publishing a page you can publish it immediately or schedule it by selecting a particular date it will automatically publish when the date will have come. 
OR you can save it in draft for later publication.


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